I woke up this morning feeling invisible. As an introvert that happens to me from time to time. I was feeling like no one saw me. As if I had no value and there was no one interested in interacting with me. I began to wonder how an introvert like myself could build a tribe that would help rid me of the feeling of invisibility. Frankly I have no idea how to go about that. I was feeling a bit low when the phone rang. (I'm sitting at my desk at work as all these thoughts are running through my head) I spoke to the person for just a few minutes but it was a friendly conversation and I hung up the phone smiling. It was then that I realized that for me all I need is a few moments of being seen. A few moments of interaction with another person. I don't need a packed schedule or a busy social calendar. Just a few moments from time to time. What do you do when you feel invisible?