Sunday, September 22, 2013

Pushing past Fear

    I have been slowly doing the work of pushing past my fears. Creating this blog was a major breakthrough for me. I was scared of what people would think of me. I was scared I would freeze up and have nothing to say. I was scared no one would read this. Once I started taking small steps to getting this blog up and running I realized that I was really doing this for me. I want to write and have pushed this dream of mine away for years and years. I "write" all the time in my head. I can't tell you the number of posts I could have written had I not let the fear stop me. No more of that. I will write in spite of the fear. I can't let a feeling stop me from acting. I wish it hadn't taken me so long to get to this place but now that I'm here I won't let anything stop me. 
   If there is something you've always wanted to do or try......go for it. Pushing past fear is so much easier than living with the "what ifs". 


  1. Awesome post! I love your truth!

  2. Keep pushing! Fear is a thief. Robs us of so very much. Your space here is beautiful <3
