Monday, August 11, 2014

Random Rambles #1

     Random Rambles is going to be a weekly feature where I talk about whatever random thing is currently swimming in my head.

     I was talking to my dear friend Anna about how I get all these ideas in my head for things I want to do or write about and instead of taking a few minutes to write them down I let them fade away. I wondered why I do this when at the time I really think I have good ideas. It occurred to me that it is at times easier to let the ideas fade then to take the time and effort to make those ideas come to life. How crazy is that? I don't want my ideas to fade away. I do want to act on them. Especially the ideas for writing topics. I admitted to Anna that what I really want to do above any other creative idea I have is to write and write often. I want this feature and a new one I'm posting about later on in the week to get the writing juices flowing. I have wasted so much time in thinking and not acting. It gets tiring to hear my inner monologue on how I'll do it tomorrow or next week or after I do the dishes.
     I am not a particularly busy person. I don't have a lot of activities or events to attend. My responsibilities are few. I have tons of time!!! I cannot continue to let fear hold me back. What is fear holding you back from and what can you do to push it out of your way?


  1. I fear looking stupid, and it keeps me from meeting new people that could really be a blessing in my life. If you don't talk to people, then they can't have an opinion about you ;). I'm trying to set up face-to-face meetings with people on a regular basis so that it becomes a habit instead of something to fear.

  2. I'm so jappy you have such a wonderful friend in Anna<3
